Dec 2, 2008

My first race!

I have been training for the Angkor Wat Bike Race which is happening this weekend and I am competing in the 30km mountain bike event. I've been cycling on the weekends and getting up some mornings at 5:30 to train... which I have really enjoyed. It has been wonderful getting up and seeing Khmer people, who get up daily before the sun rises, going about their morning routines. There are kids biking and walking to school, Buddhist Monks in bright orange robes being offered breakfast at the side of the road (did you know that they do not make their own food and only eat breakfast and lunch?). The traffic is not so bad on the road that I ride on, but there are plenty of dogs, chickens, and cows that I have to watch out for. I cycle towards the Tonle Sap Lake, about 15km from my house, where there is a 200m tall hill jutting out. I cycle up a gravel road that winds around and enjoy the cool breeze and the low rising sun. There is a temple on top and I can hear the sound of traditional Cambodian music echoing from houses below.

The race is happening around the temples of Angkor Wat, a world heritage site around 1000 years old. Super excited for the race, and even more excited for the brunch after!

I've been taking pictures in the morning with my film camera, and post
some when they are developed.

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